Dagens Citat
Hello Twilighters och alla andra! ;)
Har inte sovit särskilt mycket inatt men vad gör väl det?
Nu väntar tyvärr matteboken eftersom det är prov på tisdag, hoppas det går bra men vi får se!
Slänger in tre citat från Breaking Dawn som jag blev lite tårögd av när jag läste igår, so here it goes!

Taylor Lautner får stå för dagens bild! ;)
You’re the only one we could ever trust her with. If you didn’t love her so much, I could never bear this. I know you can protect her, Jacob.
Bella Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 37, p.723
I love you, too, Jake. You’ll always be my best man.
Bella Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 37, p.723
Goodbye, Jacob, my brother… my son.
Edward Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 37, p.723
Friendship, Bella & Jacob
He looks at me like he's waiting for something... like I'm going to join his stupid gang someday. He pays more attention to me than any of the other guys. I hate it.
Jacob Black, New Moon, Chapter 7, p.176
I threw my arms around him instinctively, wrapping them around his waist and pressing my face against his chest. He was so big, I felt like I was a child hugging a grown-up.
Bella Swan, New Moon, Chapter 7, p.178
This didn't feel anything like the last time someone had embraced me this way. This was friendship. And Jacob was very warm.
Bella Swan, New Moon, Chapter 7, p.178
It was strange for me, being this close-emotionally rather than physically, though the physical was strange for me, too-to another human being. It wasn't my usual style. I didn't normally relate to people so easily, on such a basic level. Not human beings.
Bella Swan, New Moon, Chapter 7, p.179
If this is how you're going to react, I'll freak out more often.
Jacob Black, New Moon, Chapter 7, p.179